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  1. Introduction and definitions
    1. You agree to be bound by these Terms, which set forth the terms and conditions for the registration, change, renewal and re-registration of a Domain, as well as the terms and conditions for the License for the Products, and govern the Agreement between You and Us.
    2. The Terms use the following definitions:
      1. "Additional conditions" refer to any conditions stipulated explicitly and in writing between You and Us. If such Additional conditions are in conflict with the conditions stipulated by the Terms, they take precedence over the Terms.
      2. "Agreement" refers to the contractual agreement concluded between You and Us in accordance with the Terms, which is governed by the Terms and any Additional conditions.
      3. "Domain" refers to a domain name You aim to register by entering into the Agreement with Us.
      4. "Domain holder" refers either to You or to a physical person or legal entity for which You register a Domain and enter into the Agreement with Us.
      5. "Domain registration" refers to the process of registration of a Domain.
      6. "ICANN" refers to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers – the Internet Corporation (http://www.icann.org/), the non-profit organization which was founded under the laws of California State (USA) in 1998 in agreement with the United States Department of Commerce, and that takes responsibility for the allocation of domain names.
      7. “ICANN Policy” refers to any and all acting policy (including but not limited to Negotiated or Temporary policies), and also technical requirements, regulations, procedures and/or programs, enacted in accordance with the Registrar Accreditation Agreement. In case of any discrepancies between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any ICANN Policy, the ICANN Policy shall apply.
      8. “License” refers to Your right to use the Products under the conditions stipulated hereunder in these Terms.
      9.  "Order" refers to Your proposal to enter into the Agreement for the purpose of registering a Domain or receiving the License for the Products.
      10. "Parties" refers to You and Us together.
      11. "Privacy policy" refers to the document containing information on personal data processing which is conducted by Us in the course of the provision of Our services pursuant to this Agreement. The Privacy policy is available at https://www.reg.eu/pages/legal/privacy-policy.
      12. “Products” refers to various products (software) provided by Us to You. Details on the Products and prices to be paid by You for each Product valid at the date of the effectiveness of the Terms are cited on our website: reg.eu.
      13. "Registry operator" refers to the entity responsible for managing and operating the registry where a particular Domain is registered.
      14. "Third-party agreements" refers to agreements concluded between Us and ICANN or Registry operators and any other policies which We are bound to observe as a registrar of domain names.
      15. "We" or "Us" refers to Registrar of domains names s.r.o., Company ID 089 08 524, with its registered office at Opletalova 1535/4, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, registered in the Czech Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague under reference C 327387.
      16. "You" or "Your" refers to a physical person or legal entity wishing to enter into the Agreement with Us and to register a Domain using the registration services provided by Us.
  2. Conclusion of the Agreement
    1. Our offers presented on our website or in advertisements are not binding.
    2. You may submit Your Order by filling in an order form on the website https://www.reg.eu. If You submit Your Order electronically, We shall confirm receipt of the Order immediately by email. However, the confirmation of receipt does not represent a binding acceptance of the Order.
    3. We will create Your customer account with Your first Order. You agree to protect the login information (login name and password) and to not share it with anyone.
    4. The Agreement shall be effective after We accept Your Order. We will inform You of the acceptance of Your Order in Your customer account.
    5. Upon acceptance of Your Order, these Terms and any Additional conditions shall be binding for the Parties.
    6. If You submit an Order electronically, the contract text will be stored by Us and sent to You together with the Terms by email on request.
    7. We reserve the right to extend, change and improve our services to a reasonable extent. The right to reduce the scope of services is also reserved.
  3. Registering a Domain on behalf of a Domain holder
    1. You acknowledge and agree that You are not entitled to conclude the Agreement with Us on behalf of third parties, unless a third party has given You prior written consent. We may request such written consent at any time after which You are obliged to submit it immediately. In the event that such written consent is not submitted after it is requested, We are entitled to cancel the relevant Domain, the Domain registration and/or withdraw from the Agreement.
    2. If You register and manage domains in the name of a Domain holder, You are obliged to ensure that the Domain holder approves the Terms. We may request proof of such approval at any time after which You are obliged to submit it immediately. In the event that such approval is not submitted after it is requested, We are entitled to cancel the relevant Domains, the Domain registration and/or withdraw from the Agreement.
    3. If You register and manage domains in the name of a Domain holder, You are obliged to ensure that all information provided by You about the Domain holder is correct and up-to-date.
    4. You agree that We are entitled to communicate directly with the Domain holder about any relevant Domains, if We deem it necessary.
    5. Upon request from a Domain holder, We may remove the relevant Domains from Your account and put it in the direct administration of the Domain holder. In such a case, You are not entitled to a refund of any unused domain fees.
  4. Domain Order cancellation
    1. You or a Domain holder may request that We cancel or suspend an ongoing registration, change, renewal, or re-registration of a Domain.
    2. If the situation permits it, the registration, change, renewal, or re-registration of a Domain may be stopped or suspended. 
    3. A request for the cancelation of Your Order may be associated with additional fees in accordance with the price list or with a cancelation fee.
    4. If the registration, change, renewal, or re-registration of a Domain cannot be undone, You acknowledge that You cannot claim a refund of the fees associated with the Order, which were already paid for by You or which are overdue.
  5. Cooperation with ICANN and Registry operators
    1. You acknowledge that We are an accredited registrar of ICANN and also that We have entered into multiple Third-party agreements with Registry operators for Generic Top Level Domain Registrations under ICANN and Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs). You also acknowledge that the registry rules and regulations for ccTLDs vary.
    2. By agreeing to any conditions set forth in the Terms or any Additional conditions, You also agree to get acquainted with and be bound by the rules and regulations set forth by the Registry operators for their respective registries (as well as ICANN policies), if applicable.
    3. We may, in our sole discretion, elect to discontinue offering registrations, renewals, or re-registrations of some or all ccTLDs, with previous reasonable notice. 
  6. Domain registration
    1. A Domain will be registered only after payment of the respective fees according to the current price list https://www.reg.eu/cart.php?a=add&domain=register and fulfillment of any other conditions required by Us or the relevant Registry operator.
    2. By ordering or paying for Your Order, You are not entitled to a Domain. Your rights to a Domain arise only after the actual registration and its confirmation by Us.
    3. You understand and agree that We may request additional documents or other requisites necessary to perform a Domain registration, according to the conditions set by the relevant Registry operator, from You or the Domain holder. Such additional documents and requisites may include personal data, delivery of an officially verified document, sending a copy of a personal document, consent to other terms, and so on. If you refuse to provide Us with such additional documents or other requisites, We will not be able to process the Domain registration.
    4. Domain registration will only be performed if:
      1. The relevant Registry operator allows the Domain to be registered;
      2. The Domain is freely available for registration at the time of the Domain registration, and that the Domain is not blocked, reserved or disabled in any way;
      3. You have fulfilled all the conditions stipulated by the Registry operator;
      4. The relevant Registry operator is fully operational and the Domain registration is successfully confirmed.
    5. A Domain is not booked or blocked in any way by completing Your Order. If another person interested in registering the same Domain has previously fulfilled all the registration requirements, the Domain cannot be registered for You.
    6. We are not liable for any damage caused by the inability to register a Domain.
    7. If the Domain registration conditions are not met for reasons beyond Your control (reasons on Our side or on the side of the Registry operator), the Order is automatically canceled after 30 days, and any charges already paid will be returned to You.
    8. We do not control or verify the legitimacy of Your request for the registration of a Domain, nor are We are legally liable for it. You are solely responsible for any issues or damages caused by the infringement of trademarks or any other rights to the Domain (the domain name or any part of it), court decisions, or other obstacles of any nature that preclude You from using the Domain.
  7. Domain changes
    1. We may charge additional fees for any change of a Domain in accordance with the current price list https://www.reg.eu/cart.php?a=add&domain=register or by an agreement concluded between You and Us.
    2. A Domain will be changed only after payment of the respective fees and the fulfillment of any other conditions required by Us or the relevant Registry operator.
    3. Changes to a Domain can only be made if the state of the Domain and the Registry operator allow for such a change.
  8. Domain renewal
    1. If you wish to renew a Domain after the expiration of the registration period, You are obliged to pay the fees stipulated by the price list https://www.reg.eu/cart.php?a=add&domain=register and to fulfill any additional requirements for the Domain renewal. 
    2. If You do not comply with all the conditions (in particular, You fail to pay the relevant fees) for a Domain renewal at the latest 14 days prior to the Domain’s expiration, You acknowledge the risk that the Domain may become exposed.
    3. You may enable the auto-renewal option and enter Your billing details for recurring payments in Your customer account. By enabling the auto-renewal option and entering Your billing details, You agree that We will process the auto-renewal of Your Domain and charge You the relevant fee for the renewal of the Domain in accordance with the current price list.
    4. If the auto-renewal option is enabled and the billing details are up-to-date and valid 14 days before the end of the registration period, We will automatically renew the Domain’s registration for the same duration as the initial registration period. Conditions stipulated in Art. 8.10. apply to auto-renewal. If We are not able to renew the Domain via the auto-renewal process, We will inform You without undue delay.
    5. We will notify You of the impending auto-renewal by notification in Your customer account and by sending You an email notification to the email address entered in Your customer-account details. We will send You the email notification twice, once approximately one month before the planned date of the auto-renewal and again approximately one week before the planned date of the auto-renewal. If You do not disable the auto-renewal option before the date of the planned auto-renewal, You agree that We will process the auto-renewal under the current conditions and charge You the relevant fees in accordance with the current price list.
    6. If You choose not to enable the auto-renewal option and instead wait until either close to or after the end of the registration period to attempt to manually renew the Domain, You alone bear the associated risk and take full responsibility for any possible consequences. 
    7. If a Domain is not successfully renewed prior to its expiration or during the 45-day renewal grace period, all Your rights to the Domain will terminate and the Domain will be deleted. We will be under no obligation to allow You to renew the Domain once the renewal grace period has passed, even if a Registry operator or third-party service provider provides an additional grace period for the Domain, unless the applicable ICANN policy on expired domain deletion stipulates otherwise. You acknowledge that post-expiration registration or redemption processes implemented on Your behalf are subject to Our then-current fees. 
    8. You acknowledge that it is Your responsibility to keep Your own records and to maintain Your own reminders in connection to when Your Domain registration or other services are set to expire. However, ICANN requires, pursuant to its Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP), that We follow certain procedures to notify You in advance that renewal fees are due. Pursuant to the ERRP, We will notify You and/or the Domain holder of the expiring domain name twice before the expiration date, once approximately one month before Your Domain's expiration date and again approximately one week before Your Domain's expiration date. Our renewal reminder will consist of an email message sent to Your and/or the Domain holder’s email address as is listed in the expiring Domain's WHOIS record. Furthermore, We reserve the option, but not the obligation, to send additional renewal reminder notices to any other email addresses associated with the expiring Domain, including, but not limited to, the email address of the expiring Domain's account holder or the billing contact of the expiring Domain's WHOIS record. We also reserve the option, but not the obligation, to send additional renewal reminders at times other than those required by the ERRP.
    9. Upon the expiration or termination of a Domain and before the end of the renewal grace period stipulated in Art. 8.5. We may, at Our sole discretion:
      1. Put the Domain on hold;
      2. Disable the domain name server pertaining to the Domain, so that the Domain is no longer accessible; 
      3. Direct the Domain to another Domain or IP address designated by Us, including, without limitation, to an IP address which hosts an under-construction page or other page that may include promotions and advertisements for Our products and services, third-party websites, products and services, and/or internet search engines. You acknowledge that We are not liable for the content of these promotions and advertisements as We cannot directly control the advertisements shown on the page (this does not apply to the advertisement of Our products and services);
      4. Modify the information in the WHOIS record for the expired Domain registration.
    10. A Domain will only be renewed if:
      1. The relevant Registry operator allows the Domain renewal;
      2. The relevant Registry operator and its registry are fully operational, and the Domain extension is successfully confirmed;
      3. The Domain was not yet deleted due to non-renewal.
    11. In the event that You do not respond to the notice of expiration of a Domain, We are entitled to inform the Domain holder directly.
    12. In the case that a Domain is deleted because it was not renewed in accordance with Art. 8.7., You are able to request the restoration of the Domain within the 30-day redemption grace period. You acknowledge that the restoration of the Domain within the redemption grace period is subject to Our then-current fees. 
  9. Domain re-registration
    1. Domain re-registration will be performed only if You and/or the Domain holder fulfill all the requirements required by Us or the relevant Registry operator. Some Registry operators require payment of an administrative fee for Domain re-registration, a domain operating fee for the next period, entering authorization information, or accepting the transfer in another way.
    2. Domain re-registration will only be performed if:
      1. You have met all the conditions set forth by the relevant Registry operator;
      2. The relevant registry allows re-registration of the given Domain name, and that the Domain’s re-registration or changes to the Domain are in no way restricted or blocked;
      3. The relevant Registry operator and its registry are fully operational, and the Domain re-registration is successfully confirmed.
    3. We may deny Domain re-registration in the following circumstances:
      1. There is evidence of fraud;
      2. There is a reasonable dispute over Your identity or the identity of the person authorizing the re-registration;
      3. The Domain is on hold due to payment owed for a previous registration period;
      4. There is express written objection from the Domain holder;
      5. The Domain is locked in accordance with the Terms;
      6. The Domain is within 60 days of initial registration;
      7. The Domain is within 60 days of a previous re-registration.
    4. We will deny a Domain’s re-registration in the following circumstances:
      1. The Domain is the subject of ICANN’s Uniform Domain-Name Resolution Policy;
      2. The Domain is subject to a court order by a court of competent jurisdiction;
      3. The Domain is the subject of ICANN’s Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy or a Uniform Rapid Suspension proceeding or suspension;
      4. The Domain is subject to a 60-Day Change of Registrant lock in accordance with ICANN’s Transfer Policy.
    5. We are not liable for any damage caused by the impossibility of re-registration of a Domain.
    6. If the Domain re-registration conditions are not met because of reasons outside Your control (reasons on Our side or on the side of the Registry operator), the Order is automatically canceled after 30 days, and any charges already paid will be returned to You.
  10. Use of the Domain
    1. You are solely responsible for how Your Domain is used and what websites and other services are operated on it.
    2. Based on a court order or other binding decision of a competent authority or in the event of any legal (or other similar) dispute concerning a Domain, We may suspend the Domain or otherwise prevent You from using it. We may also refuse to process any changes to the Domain ordered by You in accordance with Art. 7. We may also make any changes to the Domain required from Us by a court order or other binding decision of a relevant authority.
    3. If a court order or other binding decision of a relevant authority in a dispute concerning a Domain requires from Us to make changes to the Domain or to transfer the Domain to a third person, You are not entitled to a refund of any fees for Your inability to use the Domain during the period of its validity or to a compensation for any possible damage caused by the limited use of the Domain, the ordered changes to the Domain, or the transfer of the Domain to a third person.
  11. Domain name servers
    1. You may place the domain name servers (DNS) domain records on Our DNS servers free of charge. If You host Your Domain's DNS on Our servers, You are responsible for ensuring that there is no excessive overloading of Our DNS system. You may not use Our DNS servers and Your Domain as a source, intermediary, reply to address, or destination address for mail bombs, Internet packet flooding, packet corruption, or other abusive attacks. Server hacking or other perpetration of security breaches is prohibited. You agree that We reserve the right to deactivate Your Domain from Our DNS system if We deem it is the recipient of activities that threaten the stability of Our network.
    2. If You do not place the DNS domain records on Our DNS servers, You are responsible for the correct setting of DNS records on authoritative DNS servers for Your Domain.
    3. We are not liable for any problems caused by any failure or unavailability of Our DNS system.
    4. We are entitled to delete a Domain from the DNS system if the Domain does not use Our DNS servers for 90 consecutive days.
  12. Other service Terms
    1. By entering into the Agreement, You express Your consent with and understanding of the content, specification, and price of the service You ordered from Us (registration, change, renewal, re-registration of the Domain, DNS). Therefore, You are not entitled to claim a refund of the payment already paid for the registration of the Domain on the grounds that You did not understand or comply with the service. This provision does not affect Art. 22.2.
    2. You agree that a Domain name needs to be created in accordance with the syntax norms established by ICANN and cannot consist of any of the reserved names set by the Registry operator. Said norms and policies can be found at www.icann.org. We reserve the right to cancel any Domain name registered in violation of the syntax norms or against any reserved names. We are not liable in any case for such cancelation.
  13. Licenses of a Domain name and agents
    1. You acknowledge and agree that You will be responsible for the fulfillment of all obligations under this Agreement, even if You license the use of a Domain to a third party. You will be liable for any harm caused by the wrongful use of the Domain by the third party, unless You promptly disclose the identity of the licensee to a party providing You with reasonable evidence of actionable harm. 
    2. If the Agreement is concluded by an agent acting on Your behalf, You still agree to be bound as a principal by the Terms, and any other Additional conditions agreed between Us and You (through Your agent). 
    3. The person acting on Your behalf (the agent) hereby represents that They are entitled to act on Your behalf.
  14. Domain name dispute resolution policy and other ICANN policies
    1. You agree to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP Rules), which are available at http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm and https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/udrp-rules-2015-03-11-en. You agree that if the registration or reservation of Your Domain is challenged by a third party, You will be subject to the provisions specified in the UDRP and UDRP Rules in effect at the time of the dispute. You also agree that, in the event that a Domain dispute arises with any third party, You will indemnify and hold Us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions of the UDRP. You also understand that it is important for You to regularly monitor emails sent to the email addresses associated with Your account and the Domain because, among other reasons, if a dispute arises regarding the Domain, You may lose Your rights to the Domain if You do not respond promptly to the relevant communications.
    2. You also agree to the Registrant Rights and Responsibilities policy, which is available at http://www.icann.org/en/registrars/registrant-rights-responsibilities-en.htm.
  15. Licensed products
    1. By accepting Your Order concerning a Product, We grant You the right to use the Licensed Products (License) in the scope further described hereunder. By submitting Your Order concerning the Licensed Product, You accept these conditions and agree to pay the License fees. To prevent any confusion, the License is applicable only to the specific Products and in the scope You ordered from Us by placing Your Order.
    2. The License for the Products is effective from the moment when We make the Products available to You.
    3. The License for the Products is granted under the following conditions:
      1. Non-exclusive. We are entitled to license or sub-license the Products or their parts to any third person without limitation as well as use the Products or their parts Ourselves.
      2. For limited scope of use. You are entitled to use the Products in accordance with these Terms and the purpose of the Product. You are not entitled to change, update or otherwise interfere with the Products, their parts, or their source code, to claim or even imply that You are the author of the Products or have any more rights in the products than are granted to You by the Agreement, or to connect the Products or their parts with other works or software, unless We allow You to do so by giving You preceding written approval.
      3. Without territorial limitation. You are entitled to use the Products anywhere in the world.
      4. With quantity limitation. You are entitled to use the Products in the quantity and scope to these Terms or in the quantity and scope as agreed between You and Us (by virtue of Your Order or by a separate agreement). 
      5. With time limitation. The License is valid until it is terminated by Us, You or otherwise in accordance with these Terms.
      6. To all functional versions, updates, upgrades and modules of the Products. The License as stipulated in this article of the Terms is applicable to all functional versions, updates, upgrades and modules of the Products provided by Us to You after the conclusion of the Agreement.
    4. You are not entitled to receive any documentation or source code along with the Products. You are not entitled to interfere with the source code of the Products in any way, especially to publish the source code, decompile the source code, use the source code to create other software or other products Yourself or empower any third party to do so on Your behalf.
    5. You are entitled to cede the License to Your clients and to grant a sub-license to Your clients without Our preceding written approval.
    6. The License for the Products as stipulated in this article of the Terms is applicable to other products or works provided by Us to You unless We stipulate other terms, or We agree on other terms.
    7. We guarantee that We have all the necessary rights to the Products to be able to provide You with the License for the Products as stipulated above.
  16. Billing and payments
    1. The current price list is available here https://www.reg.eu/cart.php?a=add&domain=register.
    2. We expressly reserve the right to change or modify Our prices and fees at any time, and such changes or modifications shall be posted online on Our website and be effective immediately without need for further notice to You.
    3. Invoices for a Domain’s registration, change, renewal, re-registration, License fees, and any other services are sent to the email address that You specified in Your Order.
    4. As consideration for our services (registration, change, renewal, re-registration of a Domain, or other services), We require that You pay an advanced invoice (payment request) before the provision of the respective service. Until the advanced invoice is paid, We are not obliged to provide You with the respective services.
    5. If an invoice does not specify a maturity date, the maturity date is 15 days from the date the invoice was sent in accordance with Art. 16.3.
    6. If any invoice is not paid 15 days after its maturity, We are entitled to cancel the Agreement, Your Domain and/or the License for the Products.
    7. If You enter Your billing details for recurring payments in Your customer account, We will automatically charge You for services of a recurring/subscription nature (for example: the auto-renewal of Domains, the prolongation of the License for the Products). Unless stipulated otherwise for the specific service, You agree that We may charge You up to 15 days prior to the provision of the service.
    8. The License fees are to be paid for all Products based on a statement and invoices issued in accordance with the Agreement by applying Base Rate, Bulk Charge, or Per Account Charge with regard to each Product. Articles 16.2. to 16.7. apply to the License fees accordingly unless this provision stipulates otherwise.
  17. Term of the Agreement, cancelation of the Agreement, cancelation and suspension of a Domain and a Domain’s registration, License term
    1. The term of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for as long as You have any Domain registered through Us or for as long as a License to any Product is effective. 
    2. You acknowledge and agree that if You:
      1. Wilfully provide Us with inaccurate or unreliable information; or
      2. Wilfully fail to update information within 7 days of any change; or
      3. Fail to respond for more than 15 days to our inquiries concerning the accuracy of the contact details associated with a relevant Domain’s registration; or
      4. Fail to follow the policies of use established by ICANN and the Registry operator; or
      5. Seriously or repeatedly violated these Terms and/or Additional conditions,

such conduct will constitute a material breach of this Agreement, which may be a basis for its cancelation and the cancelation of the Domain.

  1. We also reserve the right to suspend or cancel Your Domain if:
    1. The Domain is used to send unsolicited commercial advertisements in contradiction to either applicable laws or customary acceptable usage policies of the internet; or
    2. The Domain is used in connection with unlawful activity; or
    3. The Domain is used in the distribution of malware, piracy and other intellectual property infringement, or fraudulent or deceptive practices; or
    4. The Domain contains links to or redirects to content that is illegal (according to Czech law and/or Your domestic law), defamatory, threatening, immoral, or discriminatory; or
    5. You otherwise infringe upon these Terms and/or Additional conditions and do not cease the infringement within 15 days after We send You a notification to do so. 
  2. In relation to Art. 17.3., You acknowledge and agree that We will be required to cancel Your Domain or Your Domain registration if We receive a notification to that effect issued by a competent authority under the applicable laws.
  3. We and the Registry operator reserve the right to put Your Domain on hold during the resolution of a dispute.
  4. You understand and accept that Your Domain registration may be canceled, suspended, or transferred pursuant to any ICANN-adopted specification or policy, pursuant to Our procedure, or the Registry operator's procedure which will be consistent with ICANN-adopted specifications or policies, for the following reasons:
    1. To correct mistakes caused by Us or the Registry operator in registering the Domain, including but not limited to the cancelation, within 45 days from registration, of Your Domain when its registration has taken place as a result of a previous erroneous cancelation; or
    2. For the resolution of disputes concerning the Domain; or
    3. If We or the Registry operator deem it necessary, in our complete discretion, to protect the stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of the Registry operator or Us as well as its or Our affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees. You acknowledge that the Registry operator may also transfer Your registration. 
  5. When Your Domain is suspended in accordance with Art. 17.3. or put on hold in accordance with Art. 17.5., You agree that We may disable Your Domain and/or prevent You from accessing the Domain. At the same time, You acknowledge and agree that You may not have access to any data (files, databases) stored on the Domain.
  6. When Your Domain is canceled in accordance with Art. 17.2., 17.3. or 17.4., We will terminate the Domain and delete Your data from it permanently. In the event that You want to retrieve the data (provided We have it available as a backup) or the Agreement and Your Domain are restored, We are entitled to request payment for such a service according to Our price list.
  7. In all cases, Your Domain will be deleted within 45 days after the termination of the Agreement.
  8. You acknowledge and agree that if You:
    1. Violate the License as stipulated in Art. 15. of these Terms in any way;
    2. Fail to pay the License fees in full or in part in accordance with these Terms and the Agreement;
    3. Seriously or repeatedly violate these Terms, the Agreement, and/or Additional conditions;

such conduct will constitute a material breach of the License, which may be grounds for its termination. The License terminates immediately after You receive a written notice of its termination, and You agree not to utilize the Products afterward. 

  1. Both Us and You agree to work together after the termination of the License to ensure that You receive all data which You have saved or otherwise used in the Products throughout the duration of the License. 
  2. The License also terminates automatically at the moment when the Agreement with regards to the Domain is terminated.
  1. Information protection and privacy
    1. Both Parties undertake to keep confidential the facts which they have learned from each other in connection with the Agreement and the services provided by Us.
    2. The protection of information does not apply to the case when the Parties have an information duty stipulated by law, when the information is requested by an authority authorized by law, or the information is publicly available.
    3. Our Privacy policy is available at https://www.reg.eu/knowledgebase/5/Privacy-Policy.html.
    4. We shall not process personal data in a way incompatible with the purposes and other limitations stipulated by the Privacy policy.
    5. We will take reasonable precautions to protect personal data processed in the course of providing services pursuant to this Agreement from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
    6. You confirm that the Privacy policy has been provided to any third-party individuals whose personal data are supplied to Us by You, and that the You have obtained the data subject’s consent or that the processing is based on other lawful grounds.
    7. As a part of Our registration process and in accordance with Our ICANN accreditation, You are required to provide Us with the following information:
      1. Your full name, postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available; 
      2. The full name, postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available, of the Domain holder, if You register and manage the Domain in Their name;
      3. The name of an authorized person for contact purposes in case You are an organization, association, or corporation;
      4. The IP addresses of the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver for the Domain and the corresponding names of those nameservers;
      5. The full name, postal address, email address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available, of the billing and administrative contacts for the Domain.
    8. You acknowledge and agree that You will correct and update all information specified in Art. 18.7. within 7 days of any change.
  2. Liability
    1. You accept that We are not liable to You, the Domain holder, or any third party for:
      1. Any loss or damage caused for whatever reason not due to Our negligence or wilful misconduct;
      2. Access delays, system errors or failure, or interruptions to Our registration system;
      3. Non-delivery or misdelivery of data between You and Us;
      4. Any loss, damage, or breach of contractual obligation (including the obligation to pay any contractual or statutory penalty) caused by an extraordinary, unforeseeable, and insurmountable obstacle created independently of Our will, for instance acts of God and natural disasters (such as but not limited to fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods), war, hostilities, invasion, actions of foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition, embargo, terrorism, economy-wide breakdown, epidemics;
      5. Any action taken in accordance with the instructions received from ICANN or a Registry operator;
      6. Any violation of trademark rights or other rights protected by generally binding legal regulations, which You commit by registering or renewing the Domain;
      7. Your failure to pay any applicable fees.
    2. You acknowledge that You are solely responsible for ensuring that a Domain and/or License is renewed. We have no liability to You or any third party (particularly, the Domain holder) in connection with the renewal or any attempt to renew the Domain, including, but not limited to, any failure or errors in renewing or attempting to renew the Domain.
    3. Our liability arising out of this Agreement may in no event exceed the amounts effectively paid by You to Us pursuant to this Agreement.
    4. We are not liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, however caused and on any theory of liability, including, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits, even if You have informed Us about the possibility of such damages.
  3. Indemnity
    1. You represent and warrant to Us that to the best of Your knowledge neither the registration of a Domain or the manner in which it is directly or indirectly used infringes the legal rights of any third parties. 
    2. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Registry operator, Us, Our affiliates, officers, directors, agents, partners, employees, attorneys, and subcontractors for any loss, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees resulting from any third party claim, action, or demand arising out of or related to:
      1. The registration of a Domain, and/or use thereof;
      2. The License, and/or use of the Products;
      3. Your breach or violation of any term, condition, representation, or warranty stipulated in these Terms or as Additional conditions;
      4. Your violation of any of the rights of third parties.
    3. The indemnification stipulated in this article is in addition to any indemnification required under ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy or any similar policy of ICANN or the Registry operator.
  4. Applicable law and jurisdiction
    1. This Agreement, Additional conditions, and any legal relationships arising out of this Agreement or Additional conditions (including rights and obligations regarding the compensation of damages caused by a breach of this Agreement or Additional conditions or rights and obligations regarding unjust enrichment) are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, excluding conflict-of-laws rules of international private law. 
    2. Any claim, dispute, or other matter in question (including disputes regarding the conclusion or validity of a contract) with respect to or arising under this Agreement, Additional conditions, and any legal relationships arising out of this Agreement or Additional conditions (including rights and obligations regarding the compensation of damages caused by breach of this Agreement or Additional conditions or rights and obligations regarding unjust enrichment) or a breach thereof shall be decided exclusively by the courts of Our registered domicile.
  5. Consumer information
    1. If You are a consumer (a person who concludes the Agreement with Us for private, non-business purposes), You have the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days of its conclusion in accordance with the provision of Section 1829 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. 
    2. You explicitly request Us to start providing services before the end of the withdrawal period. For this reason, You acknowledge that in the case of Your withdrawal pursuant to Art. 22.1. You are obliged to pay Us a proportional part of the agreed price for performance provided until the moment of the withdrawal. The remainder of the price will be returned to You in the same way You paid Us and at the latest 14 days after Your withdrawal from the Agreement.
    3. You may withdraw using the withdrawal form in the relevant customer section on Our website ().
    4. In the case of a dispute arising from the Agreement between You as a consumer and Us, which cannot be resolved amicably, You may initiate a motion for out-of-court settlement with the designated out-of-court settlement authority, which is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. More information can be found here: https://www.coi.cz/en/alternative-dispute-resolution-for-consumer-disputes-adr/. You may also use the platform for online dispute resolution created by the European Commission, which can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
  6. Changes to the Terms
    1. We reserve the right to act pursuant to Section 1752 of Act no. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, and to change these Terms to an appropriate extent. In such a case, We shall publish the new wording of the Terms on Our website and We shall notify You of such a change by email sent to the email address provided by You in Your Order within a reasonable timeframe before the new Terms come into force, and in no event later than 30 days before the new Terms come into force. You have the right to refuse such a change to the Terms in writing or by replying to the notification email from the email address provided by You in Your Order. You are required to send us Your rejection of the proposed change on the day the new Terms come into force at the latest. If You do not reject the amendment of the Terms within this period, the contractual relationship shall be governed by the new wording of the Terms. If You refuse the amendment of the Terms, both We and You are entitled to terminate the Agreement. In such a case, the notice period shall be 2 months from the delivery of the termination notice.
    2. You acknowledge that We may unilaterally modify the Agreement if necessary to comply with any Third-party agreements or ICANN rules and regulations adopted in the future, in accordance with the rules set out in Art. 23.1.
  7. Final provisions
    1. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between You and Us.
    2. If these Terms are available to You in several language versions, the Czech version shall prevail.
    3. Should any provision of this Agreement be or become invalid, ineffective or inapplicable contrary to the will of the Parties or should such invalidity, ineffectiveness or inapplicability unavoidably occur (due to legal change in particular), it has no effect on the validity, effectivity or applicability of other provisions in this Agreement. In such a case, the Parties undertake to cooperate on taking relevant legal actions to replace the invalid, ineffective, or inapplicable provision with a different provision whilst preserving and fulfilling the purpose of this Agreement.

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