Privacy Policy Print

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Within the scope of this document, you, as a data subject (hereinafter referred to as “You” or “Your”), may find information about the processing of Your personal data by Registrar of domains names, s.r.o., with its registered office at Opletalova 1535/4, 110 00 Praha 1, Company ID: 089 08 524 (hereinafter referred to as "We", "Us" or "Our Company“). You are a data subject if You are a natural person visiting Our website, creating an account, ordering Our services, or if You are an agent of a legal person.

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) contains information on the purposes for which Our Company processes Your personal data, to what extent (which of Your personal data is being processed), on what legal basis (performance of a contract, legitimate interest, compliance with a legal obligation, consent or other), and the period over which We are entitled to process Your personal data.

This Policy also contains information about the rights that You possess in relation to the processing of Your personal data and how You can exercise these rights.

  1. The processing of Your personal data

We process Your personal data so that We are able to fulfill the purposes as specified in the following chapters.

“Personal data” refers to information related to You or Your activity, which is processed by Our Company. Examples include Your name, surname, place of residence, and so on.

“The processing of personal data” refers to any operation which is performed with personal data for a particular purpose, whether by automated means, electronically or in written form, such as the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of personal data. Operating with personal data in an irregular or incidental way as a result of other activities, such as the maintenance of technical instruments for data processing, is not considered as the processing of personal data.

If You are an agent of a registered domain holder or You, as a registered domain holder, use the personal data of other persons, you are responsible for disposing of a legal title to transfer Their personal data to Us and to inform the persons about the content of this Policy. 

For various purposes specified in the following chapters, We process various categories of Your personal data:

  • Identification data (for example: name, surname, date of birth, ID number, position in the company);
  • Contact data (for example: email address, telephone number);
  • Address data (for example: place of residence or registered office);
  • Data necessary for the execution of payment services and payment clearance (for example: bank account number, bank code, IBAN, SWIFT);
  • Device identification data (for example:. IP/MAC address);
  • Login information (for example: username, passwords and other codes necessary for the provision of Our services);
  • Information about registered domains (for example: domain names)
  • Information about ordered products or services, about the contract and the fulfillment of the contract by both parties (for example: the commencement date of the agreement, duration, reason for termination, transaction details, price, information on the type of domain name services purchased for use in connection with the order);
  • Data about Your behavior on Our website (through Our so-called ‘cookies’);
  • Information about the extent and manner of service usage (for example: order history);
  • Information about Your satisfaction with purchases (for example: ratings, reviews, number of stars);
  • Information included in Your questions.

The extent to which We process Your personal data, along with the purposes and periods of such processing, depends on how and why You shared Your personal data with Us or how We obtained the personal data from You. Hereunder, You will find information about the nature of Our personal data processing based on the context in which the processing takes place.

We will not process Your personal data in any way that is incompatible with the purposes stipulated hereunder.

  1. Visiting Our website

When You visit Our website, We automatically process some of Your personal data to the extent, for the purposes, for the period, and on the legal basis as stated below:


Extent of processed information

Legal basis

Processing period

The improvement of Our website

Data about Your behavior on Our website (through Our so-called ‘cookies’)

The legitimate interest of Our Company to improve Our website

According to technical requirements

The creation of statistics and reports about the usage of Our website 

Data about Your behavior on Our website (through Our so-called ‘cookies’)

The legitimate interest of Our Company to measure the effectiveness of Our website

According to technical requirements

The display of targeted advertisements on other websites and making them available to advertisement operators 

Data about Your behavior on Our website (through Our so-called ‘cookies’)

Consent to data processing

According to technical requirements

You are entitled to file an objection against the processing of Your personal data for the purpose of measuring and improving the effectiveness of Our website in accordance with Chapter 4.6. If We do not have legitimate reasons to continue processing Your personal data once such an objection is filed, We will cease to process Your personal data in this regard.

Note that You can always disallow statistics or marketing cookies in Your web browser. 

  1. Registration form

By means of a registration form, You have the opportunity to create a user account on the webpage, through which You may place Your orders. In this case, We process Your personal data to the extent, for the purposes, for the period, and on the legal basis as stated below:


Extent of processed information

Legal basis

Processing period

Performance of registration, maintenance and administration of a user account, including mutual communication

Identification data

Contact data

Login information

Information about registered domain

Necessary to perform a contract or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract in terms of Your request for the registration

Until the cancelation of the registration by a user, or 1 year from the expiration of Your registered domain name at the latest. 

Sending news related to Our business and the products or services ordered by You

Contact data (email address)

Legitimate interest of Our Company to send commercial offers related to Our products or services to those who expressed interest in Our products or services by registering a user account

Until You notify Us that You no longer wish to receive any commercial offers from Our Company, or until the cancellation of the registration at the latest

You provide Your personal data for the purpose of the performance of registration, maintenance, and the administration of Your personal account voluntarily. However, while You do so voluntarily it is worthwhile to note that without such provided personal data, We are unable to register Your account.

In addition, We process the email address provided by You before registration in order to inform You of any news related to the business, products, and services of Our Company. 

You are entitled to file an objection against the way We process Your personal data for the purpose of sending You commercial offers using a method described in Chapter 4.7. On the basis of Your objection, we will cease to send you commercial offers. And We will cease to process Your related personal data in this regard. 

You can also inform us of Your wish to no longer receive commercial offers and have your information processed in such regard through the relevant link situated at the end of every commercial offer.

  1. Order form

You may fill in Your personal data in Our order form, which serves to process orders for Our products or services on Our website. In this case, We process Your personal data to the extent, for the purposes, for the period, and on the legal basis as stated below:


Extent of processed information

Legal basis

Processing period

Processing of the order, including payment, delivery of the products or services and related communications

Identification data

Contact data

Address data

Data necessary for the execution of payment services and payment clearance

Information about ordered products or services, about the contract and the fulfillment of the contract by both parties

Information about registered domains

Necessary to perform a contract

Until 3 years after the fulfillment of the contract (delivery of the products or services and payment of the price), and until 10 years after the fulfillment of the contract (delivery of the products or services and payment of the price) in terms of basic information about the legal relationship and its existence (such as the parties, the scope of the agreement).

Maintenance of records related to dealings with the registered domain name holders and related communications

Identification data

Contact data

Address data

Login information

Information about ordered products or services, about the contract and the fulfillment of the contract by both parties

Information about registered domains

Necessary to perform a contract

Until 2 years after the agreement between Us and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is terminated.

Sending offers for Our products and services, including personalized offers

Identification data

Contact data

Information about the extent and manner of service usage 

Information about registered domains

The legitimate interest of Our Company to send commercial offers to Our previous customers in accordance with Act 480/2004 Coll., on certain Information Society Services

Until You notify Us that You no longer wish to receive any commercial offers from Our Company

Complying with legal obligations in the area of consumer protection, accounting, tax laws, and criminal laws 

Identification data

Address data

Your device identification data

Data necessary for the execution of payment services and payment clearance

Information about ordered products or services, about the contract and the fulfillment of the contract by both parties

Information about registered domains

Necessary to comply with legal obligations

For the period stipulated by relevant laws, particularly:

Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on value-added tax (VAT)

Act No. 563/1991 Coll., on accounting

Data to be used as evidence in criminal proceedings for a period of 5 years after the execution of the order

If You decide to order a product or service from Our Company, the aforementioned personal data are necessary for Us to process Your order, conclude an agreement on the basis that we will provide You with Our products or services, and to fulfill such an agreement. 

You provide Us with personal data voluntarily. However, while You do so voluntarily it is worthwhile to note that without such provided personal data We are unable to process Your orders, conclude an agreement, or deliver the requested products or services. We are also obliged to comply with all relevant legal requirements.

Furthermore, We process the personal data which You fill into the order form so that We can offer You other products and services of Ours which are similar to the products and services which You already purchased from Us. 

You are entitled to file an objection against the way in which We process Your personal data for the purpose of sending You commercial offers by using a method described in Chapter 4.7. On the basis of Your objection, we will cease to send you commercial offers. And We will cease to process Your related personal data in this regard. 

You can also inform us of Your wish to no longer receive commercial offers and have your information processed in such regard through the relevant link situated at the end of every commercial offer.

You acknowledge that based on an agreement with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), who is the supervisory authority in relation to domain names, We are obliged to maintain records about all written communications constituting registration applications, confirmations, modifications, or terminations and related correspondence with You (or if You act as an agent on behalf of a registered domain name holder, then the records with that registered domain name holder), including registration contracts and information about Your user account. Such data need to be made available to ICANN for inspection and copying.

  1. Newsletter

By means of a subscription form on Our website,, You have the option to provide Us with Your personal data so that We may send You commercial offers in the form of newsletters and offerings of Our products and services. In such case, We process Your personal data to the extent, for the purposes, for the period, and on the legal basis as stated below:


Extent of processed information

Legal basis

Processing period

Sending news about Our Company and offerings of Our products and services

Contact data (email address)

Consent to the data processing and to the sending of commercial offers

Until You notify Us that You no longer wish to receive any commercial offers from Our Company or until You withdraw Your consent to personal-data processing in this regard and to the sending of news and offers

The provision of such personal data is voluntary. However, while You do so voluntarily it is worthwhile to note that without such provided personal data We are unable to send You Our commercial offers alongside news related to the activities of Our Company.

You can withdraw Your consent to the processing of Your personal data in this regard using a method described in Chapter 4.1.

  1. Contacting Us

For any queries and requests, You may contact Us through email or phone. In such cases, We process Your personal data to the extent, for the purposes, for the period, and on the legal basis as stated below:


Extent of processed information

Legal basis

Processing period

Answering Your queries

Identification data

Contact data (email address, phone number)

Information included in your questions

The legitimate interest of Our Company to answer Your questions

1 year from the last communication between You and Us with regard to a particular question

The provision of such personal data is voluntary. However, while You do so voluntarily it is worthwhile to note that without such provided personal data We are unable to answer Your queries.

You are entitled to file an objection against the way in which We process Your personal data for the purpose of answering Your questions using a method described in Chapter 4.6.

  1. To Whom is Your personal data made available?

We are unable to confirm in advance or with certainty to whom exactly Your personal data will be made available. Which is why We introduce only categories of possible recipients below, along with an explanation of why Your personal data could be transferred to such recipients.


Reason for making the data available

Registry operators, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and any other persons ensuring domain registration, renewal, re-registration or changes, or the functioning of the DNS system

We offer services which consist of the registration, renewal, re-registration, the changing of domains, and the provision of DNS system services. To ensure that these services will be provided, we must cooperate with registry operators, ICANN, and other persons that ensure these services. ICANN, as a supervisory authority over domain names, may inspect, copy or otherwise access Your personal data. 

Persons providing marketing and graphic services

Marketing agencies, marketing specialists, and graphic designers help Us with the preparation and the execution of marketing campaigns focused on sending commercial offers.

Persons ensuring the sending of commercial offers

It is possible that We will delegate another person to send commercial offers for Us, and for that purpose We will make Your personal data that are necessary for the sending of commercial offers available to that person.

Persons ensuring the functioning of Our software (computer systems)

We need the provider of software equipment, which is in the position of data processor, to service our websites and ensure the functioning of Our information systems.

Legal and tax advisors

At times, We need legal or tax advisors to look into information about the legal relations between Us and You. These persons are legally bound by a duty of confidentiality.

Please note that You have a right to obtain information about to whom, when, and for what purpose Your personal data were transferred. And that We are committed to compliance with that right. 

You acknowledge that We may transfer Your personal data even to recipients seated outside of the European Union. In such a case, We declare that We will only and always transfer Your personal data in accordance with GDPR so that an adequate level of protection of your personal data is provided.

  1. How do we protect your personal data?

Our Company created, implemented, and documented various technical, organizational, and other security measures that ensure the protection of Your personal data from unauthorized access, reading, copying, transferring, modifying, and erasure of personal data or other records, which include personal data. We agree to take all reasonable precautions to protect Your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

  1. What are your rights?

With regard to the fact that Our Company processes Your personal data, You possess rights which We wish to inform You of. 

You can exercise any of Your rights specified hereinafter in any way that is suitable for You, and that will allow Us to verify that it is in fact You who made the request (that will allow us to verify Your identity), after which We will strive to meet Your requirements as much as possible. 

To exercise such rights and in order for Us to be able to meet Your requirements, We ask that You contact Us either at the address of Our Company: Registrar of domains names, s.r.o., with its registered office at Opletalova 1535/4, 110 00 Praha 1, or by email: [email protected].

  1. Right to withdraw consent

If We process Your personal data on the basis of Your consent, You have a right to withdraw Your consent to the processing of Your personal data. This includes Your consent to receive commercial offers. 

You may withdraw Your consent by an email request sent to: [email protected].

In relation to the processing of Your personal data for the purpose of sending commercial offers, You can withdraw Your consent to have Your personal data processed and also Your consent to receive commercial offers by clicking on the relevant link which is located at the bottom of every commercial offer.

  1. Right of access

You have a right of access to Your personal data processed by Our Company and concurrently a right to be informed about which of Your personal data We process, for what time period We process them, for what purposes we process them, to whom We make them accessible, and whether We use them for automated individual decision-making (and possibly how automated individual decision-making works).

We will provide You with a free copy of Your personal data. If You request more than one copy, We may charge a fee for the provision of additional copies.

  1. Right to rectification

If you discover that Your personal data that We process are incomplete or incorrect, You have a right to request that We rectify them or, taking into account the purposes of the processing, complete them.

  1. Right to erasure

You have a right to the erasure of Your personal data, which are stored and processed by Our Company. 

In order for You to request the erasure of Your personal data, one of the following reasons must be given:

  • Your personal data are not necessary for the purpose for which they have been collected and processed;
  • You withdrew Your consent upon which We processed Your personal data, and that We do not have any other legal basis for the processing of Your personal data;
  • You will file an objection against the processing of Your personal data, in case Your personal data are processed for the purposes of marketing (that is: sending commercial offers);
  • You will file an objection against the processing of Your personal data on the basis of Our legitimate interest, and that We will not be able to prove that Our legitimate interest prevails over Your right to erasure; 
  • There is a statutory reason which requires the erasure of Your personal data; or
  • Our Company processes the personal data of a minor without parental consent to do so.

Please note that there can be situations in which Your personal data cannot be erased on the basis of withdrawal of Your consent or a request to erase Your personal data. For example, in a situation where the processing of Your personal data is required by law. If such a situation occurs, Our Company will inform You about the reason for which Your personal data could not be erased.

  1. Right to restriction of processing

If You think that Your personal data processed by Our Company are incorrect, You have a right to request that We restrict such processing of Your personal data for a period of time necessary in order to verify the accuracy of Your personal data or if necessary to rectify them. 

You also have this right in the following cases:

  • If the processing of Your personal data by Our Company is illegal, but You do not wish to erase them; 
  • If our Company does not require Your personal data for the purpose for which We have processed them, but You insist on their processing (especially storing) by Our Company for the determination, exercise or defense of Your legal claims.
  • If You have filed an objection against the processing of Your personal data based on a legitimate interest of Our Company, and the restriction of the processing will be valid for a period of time necessary to determine whether Our legitimate interest prevails over Your right to not have Your personal data processed.
  1. Right to objection against the processing of Your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest

With regard to the fact that We process some of Your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, You have a right to file an objection against such processing. 

In the event of such an objection, We will consider whether it is in fact in Our legitimate interest to process Your personal data for the given purpose, or whether Your right not to have Your personal data processed prevails over Our legitimate interest.

  1. Right to objection against the processing of Your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing

You have a right to file an objection against the processing of Your personal data by Our Company for the purpose of direct marketing (that is: for the purpose of sending commercial offers). 

In the event of such an objection, We will cease to process Your personal data for such a purpose without any further action.

  1. Right to data portability

You have a right to receive Your personal data that We process automatically on the basis of your consent. Based on Your request, We will provide You with the personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, or we will transmit them to another data controller which You choose.

  1. Right to lodge a complaint

In the event that You assume that all of the aforementioned rights are insufficient, or if You are of the opinion that Our Company violates Your rights in any way, You have a right to lodge a complaint with a relevant supervisory authority. 

You can lodge such a complaint with The Office for Personal Data Protection through the contact information available at:

  1. Cookies

Our Website uses so-called ‘cookies’. Information about the manner, purposes, and the extent to which cookies are used are available here:

  1. Effectiveness

This Policy is effective as of 15 May 2020.

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